AGMS/EGMS is the highest decision-making body in RMKO. AGMS/EGMS enables all shareholders to exercise their right to voice opinions and cast votes on issues related to the Company and its future. The AGMS is also the forum to evaluate the Board’s achievements during the fiscal year. The implementation of the AGMS is based on RMKO’s Articles of Association, as well as prevailing laws and regulations.

Release Date Document Title Document
2024-05-22 Pengumuman RUPS Tahunan RMKO 2024
2024-06-06 Bahan Mata Acara RUPST RMKO 2024
2024-06-06 Surat Kuasa RUPST
2024-06-06 Pemanggilan RUPST PT Royaltama Mulia Kontraktorindo Tbk 2024
2024-06-06 Tata Tertib RUPST RMKO 2024
2024-06-06 Panduan Keikutsertaan Pemegang Saham dalam Pelaksanaan RUPS Penerbit Efek
2024-07-02 Ringkasan Risalah RUPST RMKO Tbk pada 28 Juni 2024
Release Date Document Title Document